Monday, January 11, 2016

What I Have Learned So Far

Hi everyone, it's Dana. Mike and the girls are sleeping in one hotel room while Magsy Moo (I'm trying some different nicknames out!) and I are in the other. Mike may already be writing a recap of yesterday which I still need to do in my journal. I kept falling asleep last night as I was writing and finally gave up after my words were almost being written vertically with my eyes closed. So I'm just going to throw some random thoughts together as the sweetest and most courageous boy I know sleeps 3 feet away from me in his crib with pink Hello Kitty bedding.

This is what I have already learned about my son. Two days ago, he was stoic yet scared, brave yet sad, yearning for love yet not sure how to return it and handsome beyond all measures. He is very calm and has been one of the best snugglers since the first moment we met. He constantly wants to be touching one of us and is always leaning, not wanting to sit or stand much on his own. His beautiful, big brown eyes are so deep and I feel like he can see into my soul when he stares in mine. His nose is so beautifully shaped and his cheeks are as chubby as chubby can be.  And his lips.....oh his lips!!!! They are my favorite!! They are one of a kind! He also has one small, adorable freckle right under his nose on the left side. Not that I've been staring or anything to know its exact location! His ears are adorable and so small and his hair is a new color to me! It is so striking! Though his cheeks are so chubby, his body is petite. He barely fits in the 18-24 month clothes I brought and was swimming in a 24 month sweater yesterday. He is a c.r.a.z.y eater! He eats as much as an adult, no joke! We often wondered if he was storing food in those sweet cheeks yesterday! :) He will come to adore his daddy but right now, he is a mama's boy and I'm eating it up. Yesterday, as we played on the ground and 'that' moment happened with smiles, giggles and belly laughs, we saw a glimpse into an awesome and spunky personality. He is a teaser and 'all boy'. I can see him trying to rough house play a bit...yikes, that'll be something new to this clan! And for everything he will do in life, I think he will do it fiercely. This is the son I have come to know in just over 36 hours of being his mama and I adore every bit of him!

Many of you know that Mike and I LOVE the Christian singer, Matthew West. We ordered all three of his cds early in our adoption process and they became our go-to in the car and at home. Our girls even know many of his songs. If you're prepared to get a bit misty eyed, listen to the songs I list as they have brought countless tears to us and speak right to and from our hearts. Mike had some of them on while we were playing yesterday and when 'that' moment occured. They are One Less, Unchangeable, Wonderfully Made, Day One, Do Something, and World Changers to name a few.

One last thought. There are some details about our Family Day and days to come that we will not share. As much as we are opening our lives and our journey to you, this is actually Magnus' story. And some parts are devastating. Please don't assume anything is horribly wrong. Quite the contrary! But there are some things that will never be shared because they are not ours to tell. So as Mike didn't detail every bit of our Family Day, the same will happen for our orphanage visit and finding spot which is where he was left safely by his biological parents. We will visit both on Thursday. I already worry about what that day will bring for him and for us. Lots of emotions and mourning for the tragic incident that occurred two years ago. As easy as it is to rejoice in what is being established with him, the trauma is still there and will always be there. It is our job to make sure it doesn't define our son. Please continue to pray for Magnus and never stop. Though we've started out on the best path possible together, we have a long and difficult road ahead.

We LOVE you guys and cannot WAIT to introduce you to the most precious boy who I can now hear playing with cars quietly in his crib. Gotta go change that stinky diaper and loooooove him up!

Blissfully Happy Mama of FOUR!!


  1. Dana & Mike,
    Your darlings are all adorable, but Mr Magnus' cheeks are the best! Congratulations to you all and hopes and prayers for a smooth transition.
    Love, Tim, Julie, Liam & Fiona

  2. I'm so glad I found your blog through a comment you left on shay's page! I am adopting from China but my paperwork is not quite there so I'm very early in the process still! Mcc date was October 2015.
    If you don't mind, could you point me to the post or tell me how you got matched with Magnus? Were you LID and it was through your agency or did you find him otherwise?? Thank you!

    1. Tara, congrats on your upcoming adoption! I don't have any of my journal entries throughout our process posted. Just started a blog for our time in China so family and friends could follow along. We were actually going the LID route with Holt but 'accidentally and perfectly' came across an advocate's post that led us to Magnus on WACAP'S web site. Not our original plan but once we saw his face, we knew he was our son. We were also a medical expedite case so we flew through the process and left for China exactly 9 months after applying with Holt. I would be happy to answer any questions you have and highly suggest multiple Facebook China adoption groups. I'm only on FB for these groups which have been sooooo helpful! Those mamas know it all! :)

    2. Thanks Dana!! I joined a couple groups on Facebook to start reading more and understanding the medical side so I can know what I would be able to support properly. I will reach out with more questions and sincerely appreciate that offer! I'm so glad you found your little guy!!!

  3. Ps. Congrats and i am so happy for your family!!

  4. Dana, I am thrilled at all the adoring going on. God definitely blessed with Magnus! Lots of love, Angie

    1. Ang, we wanted to Skype you guys tonight but Anya fell asleep early and Mike was super tired. How about tomorrow?! Text Mike and remember we are 14 hours ahead. :)
