Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Today seems much like yesterday. That's probably because we were in Chicago yesterday morning at the airport and this morning we are again. American Airlines delivered an epic series of delays and drama yesterday. The photos below are their attempt at customer service with updates that essentially said "we will be leaving soon". We watched as they slowly pulled away our first massive plane and then rolled in another one (right at the posted departure time). We figured unless they have some magic method to board 300 people in 3 minutes, we were in for another delay. They then actually did some clever window dressing as we got late into the evening and had everyone board the plane. After an hour, they said "just kidding, everyone off and go stay at a hotel". A quick 5 hours of sleep and we are back at the airport ready to do this again. Our girls have been so good, especially for being at O'Hare for 15 hours yesterday. Bless their hearts! Clearly, nothing can break our spirits and our focus on the primary purpose of this trip. Beijing, here we come...hopefully!
Tired Duff Family of Five (aka American Airlines Biggest Fans)

Yesterday night :(

Today! :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Well, on the bright side, a working plane is better late than a broken plane that is on time! Safe travels duff family! I love your updates. Keep them coming!
